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Respond these questions and get my free advice:How Social Media might help with your export business?
1. Your business is:
2. Your website:
3. Your Business size :
4. What are your target markets abroad?
5. What are your main sales & marketing channels now?
Most important
Not significant
6. Who are your most typical target customers?
Please provide details:
Your individual customers:
Your corporate customers:
7. Is Social Media already a part of your Marketing / Sales tools?
8. What are your main goals in Social Media:
9. Social Media you promote your business the most
Very actively
From time to time
Rarely / Never
10. Which Social Media marketing tools and methods do you use:
Very actively
From time to time
Rarely / Never
11. Your name and position
12. Your email:
13. Your Social Media profile
14. Other notes: